
ICL Innovationは、部分的又は完全球形の顆粒肥料から数週間、数ヶ月にわたっての植物養分の徐放を可能とする費用対効果の高い添加剤を求めています。




粒子径が1.4~4.5 mmの球形、非球形の肥料顆粒への接着性が高いこと



ICLグループの研究開発部門であるIMI TAMI社の化学分析室、試作施設、ならびにハイレベルの研究開発チーム
ICLグループの事業部門の一つであるICL Specialty Fertilizers 社が商品化パートナーとして協力


研究資金(Funded research)
独占的知財ライセンス(Exclusive IP licensing)
共同研究開発(Joint development)


Cost effective slow release fertilizer granules

ICL Innovation, a technology incubator for the ICL group, is seeking a cost effective additive to affect slow release of plant nutrients over weeks or months from partially/wholly spherical fertilizer granules.

In the face of resource scarcity and environmental concerns, accurate fertilization is a clear direction to head for a leading fertilizers company as ICL. One of the ways to achieve that is by slowing down the release rate of nutrients for longer availability in the rhizosphere. We are seeking to apply this on standard fertilizer granules, 1.4-4.5mm in diameter. These can either be spherical or pseudo-spherical. As the required cost is extremely low, we are willing to consider a lax release profile, where the majority of the release will happen over weeks or months, but some may be before, and some after this period. It is important to prevent the accumulation of salt over a certain level in the rhizosphere at any given time as this stresses the plant. For the same purpose of allowing a low cost product we are seeking to integrate the new material in existing processes which is the reason for the requirement to apply the additive by spraying. In addition to spraying over already granulated fertilizers, we are open to adding the suggested material during the compaction process.

Information on ICL Fertilizers can be found in the ICL Fertilizers web page.

As a technology incubator, ICL Innovation is looking only for innovative technologies that may be further developed and commercialized through a business unit in ICL.

Key Success Criteria

Cost of material below 20 $/ton of fertilizer
Liquid in application by spraying (e.g. melting point <50°C, coagulation point 40-50°C) High adhesion to spherical and non spherical 1.4-4.5mm fertilizer granules Minimal separation from granules when subject to vibrations Thermally stable up to 80°C Biodegradable where the decomposition products are non-harmful to the environment Non toxic Alternative solutions may be considered if feasibility is proven. As a technology incubator, ICL Innovation is looking only for innovative technologies that may be further developed and commercialized through a business unit in ICL. ICL Offers: Full funding for selected technologies Analytical laboratories, pilot facilities and high level R&D teams based on ICL's central R&D institute A business unit within ICL Fertilizers as an industrial commercialization partner IP Collaboration Funded research Exclusive IP licensing Joint development -------------------------------------------------------- keywords1: 肥料, 緩除放出, 持続放出、 ナノテクノロジー, ナノテク keywords2: 共同研究, ライセンス language : -JP/EN infocode : m05y10cD01r01 N-number : 10_D12

Israel Chemical Limited (ICL) について

Israel Chemical Limited(ICL)本社:イスラエル、従業員:14,000人、売上高:約50億ドル、2015年末現在。ICLは、臭素・カリ・リン・マグネシウム等のミネラルをベースに、弊社の採掘・抽出・化学生成の高い技術を活かして、肥料・食品・エンジニアリングマテリアルの分野にユニークで付加価値の高い製品とサービスを提供している。