

Seeking Viable Alternatives to Plastic Bottles

Background / Description
The company is seeking viable alternatives to plastic bottles as we are committed to environmental sustainability and reducing ocean plastic pollution, specifically, single use packaging. Given our significant expertise in recycled PET (rPET), we are looking for a range of creative solutions from conceptual to commercial innovations that go beyond rPET. Solutions could include alternative materials to plastic including but not limited to biobased, biodegradable polymers, and/or alternative models to service customers and consumers (e.g., refillable packages).

This is a global challenge and we are willing to collaborate with both individuals/freelancers and other industry participants/universities etc. and solutions can be at any stage of development, from concept to market-ready.

Technical Specifications
The company is seeking viable alternatives to plastic bottles as we are committed to environmental sustainability and reducing ocean plastic pollution, specifically, single use packaging. Solutions could include alternative materials to plastic including but not limited to biobased, biodegradable polymers, and/or alternative models to service customers and consumers (e.g., refillable packages).

Preferred Business Model
R&D Collaboration
Business Collaboration (Joint Venture, Distribution)

Japan Technology Group について
