

ICL Innovationは、生分解性の肥効調節型肥料およびその他の高効率肥料(EEF: Enhanced Efficiency Fertilizers)を求めています。












・実地における性能:溶出の特性、根圏の生物学との交差効果(cross effect)など




・IMI TAMI(ICLの研究開発機関)における、分析実験室、パイロット設備、高い技術水準のR&Dチームの提供・協力


知的所有権の協同項目(IP Collaboration)

・研究資金(Funded research)

・独占的知財ライセンス(Exclusive IP licensing)

・共同研究開発(Joint development)

Enhanced Efficiency Fertilizers (EEF)

ICL technology icubator seeks technologies for biodegradable controlled release fertilizers and other Enhanced Efficiency Fertilizers (EEF).

We are interested in

Controlled release fertilizers, biodegradable

Slow release fertilizers, biodegradable

Nitrifcation inhibitors

Urease inhibitors

Technologies to increase nutrients use efficiency over time


In the face of resource scarcity and environmental considerations, accurate fertilization is a clear direction to head for a leading fertilizers company as ICL. One of the ways to achieve that is by controlling how fast and under which conditions these fertilizers be available to the rhizosphere, and subsequently to the plant. This can be achieved by modifying physical and chemical properties, such as solubility, thermal and mechanical stability and particles morphology. It could also be achieved by encapsulation, polymer coating, inhibiting the nutritional ions from leaching out or transforming to evaporable forms or other technologies (EEF).

As standard fertilizers are soluble in water we’re searching for ways to make them less soluble, or otherwise coat or protect them by biodegradable polymer coating, extending the period in which nutrients are released to the soil. Kinetics is usually governed by rate of diffusion. Alternative kinetics is achieved by slow hydrolysis of larger molecules (in contrast with a controlled release effect). This will slowly release the nutrients into the soil solution, as is done with Urea formaldehyde. If a coating approach is taken then we look for, preferably biodegradable, polymers, inorganic coating, matrices and nutrient based polymers. Inhibitors, such as nitrification and Urease inhibitors, achieve similar effect to that of slow release by minimizing the effects of leaching and evaporation of Nitrogen based fertilizers. We are open to any other approach that answers the core need.

Our criteria

Cost- the agro industry is a highly price sensitive market and technologies should be economical in Agro terms

Loading- The fertilizers should comprise at least 85% of the final product (w/w)

Performance in real life conditions- release profile, cross effects with the rhizosphere’s biology etc.


Information on ICL’s current product line for slow release and controlled release fertilizers can be found in the ICL Specialty Fertilizers web page.

As a technology incubator, ICL Innovation is looking only for innovative technologies that may be further developed and commercialized through a business unit in ICL.

We Offer

Full funding for selected technologies

Analytical laboratories, pilot facilities and high level R&D teams based on IMI TAMI- ICL’s research and development institute

A business unit within ICL Specialty Fertilizers as an industrial commercialization partner

IP Collaboration

Funded research

Exclusive IP licensing

Joint development

keywords1: 肥効調節型肥料,緩効性肥料,硝酸化成抑制材,ウレアーゼ阻害材
keywords2: 共同研究, ライセンス
language : -JP/EN
infocode : m0By0EcD01r01
N-number : 0E_D06

Israel Chemical Limited (ICL) について

Israel Chemical Limited(ICL)本社:イスラエル、従業員:14,000人、売上高:約50億ドル、2015年末現在。ICLは、臭素・カリ・リン・マグネシウム等のミネラルをベースに、弊社の採掘・抽出・化学生成の高い技術を活かして、肥料・食品・エンジニアリングマテリアルの分野にユニークで付加価値の高い製品とサービスを提供している。