
A global manufacture seeks novel phase change materials (PCMs) for thermal energy storage, comprising primarily of the following ions: K+. Mg++, Na+, Ca++, PO4(-3), Br(-1), Cl(-1) and NO3(-1).


Phase-change materials are crucial to the development of green energy storage solutions. Phase-change materials are those substances with a high heat of fusion which, through their ability to melt and solidify at certain known temperatures, are capable of storing and releasing large amounts of energy. Heat is absorbed or released when the material changes from solid to liquid and vice versa.

Key Success Criteria:

Performance improvement relative to existing methods
Economic viability
Usage of the noted ions.
Non-corrosive salt mixtures, preferably consisting of a maximum of 2-3 components
Reproducible and stable melt-freeze performance over at least 1000 cycles


keywords1: 塩,エネルギー,蓄電,材料,高温,融解,固体,液体,バッテリー,相変化物質
keywords2: 受託研究,共同研究,ライセンス
language : -EN
infocode : m05y0EcD01r01
N-number : 0E_G07

Israel Chemical Limited (ICL) について

Israel Chemical Limited(ICL)本社:イスラエル、従業員:14,000人、売上高:約50億ドル、2015年末現在。ICLは、臭素・カリ・リン・マグネシウム等のミネラルをベースに、弊社の採掘・抽出・化学生成の高い技術を活かして、肥料・食品・エンジニアリングマテリアルの分野にユニークで付加価値の高い製品とサービスを提供している。